All Sightseeing in Auchterarder
Tour Guide Operators and Sightseeing in Scotland
- Save to ListPhone: +44-0- 1764 662231Email: resort.sales@gleneagles.comOur expert falconers teach the basic skills and techniques of this fascinating sport – one of the oldest and most aristocratic in the world – providing guests with hands-on experience of handling and flying Harris hawks. Read more...
- Save to ListPhone: +44-0-1764 682823Email: 5 star award winning custom-built facility houses a collection of over 60 Falcons, Hawks, Eagles and Owls all of which are trained to be handled and flown by you! Read more...
- Save to ListPhone: +One of the most complete medieval churches in Scotland, founded in 1446 and largely rebuilt in about 1500. Read more...