All Parks and Gardens in Scotland
Parks and gardens to visit in Scotland
- Save to ListPhone: +44-0-1382 434000The hill is thickly forested with a mixture of interestingnative and exotic trees, including many outstandingevergreen specimen Read more...
- Save to ListPhone: +44-0-1389 752977Balloch Castle Country Park lies on the southeast shores of Loch Lomond, on the northern edge of Balloch, 20 miles north of Glasgow .The park itself comprises 200 acres of semi-natural and ornamental woodland, open parkland, formal gardens, meadow, play parks and shoreline. It is located directly on the south-east shores of Loch Lomond, on the northern edge of Balloch Read more...
- Save to ListThe Garden was started in 1955 by clearing an area of volcanic rock, which had at one time been the old shore line. Over the years it was extended eastwards over areas which had been sand dunes, and rock from Carmylie Quarry was used to form a large part of the garden. There were originally five natural springs and the Read more...